Python Installation Windows

This chapter provides installation information on eCognition's embedded API and the external Python package.

Concept - Embedded Python API

eCognition provides support for the execution of Python programs. The implementation is based on Python Version 3.10.16 (Python Software Foundation, and offers the ability to perform image analysis, data management and more tasks using Python scripts.


To use Python scripts in eCognition you need a valid eCognition Developer license and the latest eCognition License Server.

During setup of eCognition activate the check box Python Support so that the programming language Python is installed:

eCognition setup - Python Support

The eCognition installation comprises the following python libraries/packages:

Available packages can be listed and new packages added using eCognitions' Environment manager accessible via Tools > Manage Python Environments (see User Guide > Python Integration).

eCognition uses venv for virtual environment management, that creates isolated Python environments for Python libraries/packages. Each environment can contain different packages. eCognition's Python installation is separate and independent from your local or main system installation (see


See also:

Reference Book > Algorithms and Processes > Miscellaneous > Python Script - description algorithm and its parameters

Reference Book > Algorithms and Processes > Miscellaneous > Embedded Python API Reference - reference for each class, properties and methods

User Guide > Python Integration - application examples for python scripts

Installation Guide > Linux > Python Installation - installation and setup for Linux

Concept - External Python package

Installation files for external Python API - eCognition wheel packages

Python versions supported for the ecognitionapi are versions 3.8 to 3.13.

Commands for installation of wheel packages:

To control eCognitions configuration:

    This file sets the license file location (*.lic) or the license server name of the IP address based on "port@myServerIP".
    The port can be skipped using "@myServerIP" - in this case the default port 27000 is used.
    Example: os.environ["LM_LICENSE_FILE"] = "@myServerName"

  2. eCognition.cfg
    All configuration options from the default eCognition.cfg file can be overridden with environment variables, by following this syntax:
    Example: os.environ["ECOG_CONFIG_logging"]="trace level=Detailed"
    (set log file location and trace level - this overrides appropriate <logging> values in eCognition.cfg)


See also:

Python Package Documentation - External API